Will Putin die soon?
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- February 18, 2024
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In recent months there has been a lot of more or less confirmed news about the Russian president’s health. Maybe he was too busy trying to quell the opposition
In recent months there has been a lot of more or less confirmed news about the Russian president’s health. Perhaps he was too busy crushing opposition at home and waging a genocidal war against Ukrainians, killing children in their beds at night, that he didn’t have much time to take care of his health?
Confirmation by Ukrainian military intelligence
Life and Putin’s inner circle are of great interest to the whole world, especially for Ukraine, which has been the target of a bloody war led by none other than the Russian president. According to officials from the highest level of the Ukrainian military intelligence, Putin may be very ill and does not have much time left in this world.
The head of the military intelligence service, Kyrylo Budanov, recently confirmed the rumors about Putin’s health in an interview with the US television network ABC. When asked if he had information suggesting that Putin would die soon, he replied: “I believe very soon, I hope.” Even though this may seem like wishful thinking from someone at odds with Putin’s country at first glance, confidential information about the health of the Kremlin chief has frequently been circulated in the media worldwide in recent months. At the moment, Ukraine is closest to Russia, and when a high-ranking chief of military intelligence confirms this, one must probably believe it.
Budanow mentioned that Putin may be suffering from cancer and that this information is being confirmed by “human sources.” In many pictures from the last few months, Putin’s face looks swollen, like that of someone who has just undergone chemotherapy. His fear of coming into contact with too many people could be more than just an obsession and germophobia; it might rather be the fear of a person with a weak immune system, who avoids any kind of illness.
Die Gerüchte verdichten sich
Since Russia is a non-democratic country that denies free media and investigative journalists the ability to carry out their work, there are no official sources that journalists can rely on. Last April, the Russian online medium proekt.media speculated that Putin might be suffering from thyroid cancer, while others spoke of blood cancer. The magazine Newsweek made its own claim that Putin had undergone some chemotherapy treatments. Putin and his circle denied any information, but telling the truth seems to be the last concern of the Russian authorities anyway.
Speculations about Putin’s well-being intensified at the end of last year when he canceled the annual meeting with the media. Some said the reason for this was that he wanted to avoid any kind of difficult questions from journalists, especially regarding the war in Ukraine. Those who are familiar with Russian politics know, however, that Putin is not afraid of such confrontations and that he is capable of answering any kind of difficult questions thanks to his good knowledge. There is likely more to it than a supposed reluctance towards the media.
Recently, he also canceled another popular event, the “Direct Line,” an event where he would connect with citizens who would call him and ask various questions. In recent months, he has rarely appeared in public and has received only a very limited number of people in his Kremlin office.
Warum sind Gesundheitsprobleme von Staatspräsidenten wichtig?
Some may wonder why the health of a head of state can generate such significant local and even international interest. When one is the head of a large, important country and is expected to make decisions with far-reaching impacts on both regional and international levels, it is crucial for everyone to know whether one is mentally and physically fully capable. Since chemotherapy and cancer treatments can generally have some – albeit limited – effects on brain function and overall mental well-being, it is important to consider health as a significant element in the political sphere of a particular country.
The publication of information about a politician’s health goes far beyond concerns about privacy. It is a matter of public knowledge and significance.
With so much speculation and visible changes in Putin’s appearance, it is certain that something is indeed happening in the Kremlin. We can only expect some official information and, who knows, some clear news about his health condition, which will certainly influence international politics in the short, medium, and long term.